Covid-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources and Updates
UPDATE - 3.14.20
Back To Business - A Guide to Re-Opening
The Springfield and Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, have put together a guide for area employers anticipating reopening their doors to clients and customers. Click on the link above. The County’s application to enter Oregon’s Phase I Reopening was submitted last Friday, and is still pending approval.
The Back to Business: Guide to reopening is designed to offer reliable guidance in an easy-to-follow format with the small business owner, manager, and personal service provider in mind. Included are best practice tips and resources, as well as comprehensive state-approved guidelines announced earlier this week for retail establishments, restaurants and bars, outdoor recreation, personal services, hospitality, and also for general public.
Shauna Neigh
Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce
We are all learning how to live and do business differently in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Because information changes on a daily and sometimes hourly basis we have provided some links for you from sources that are updating during this time. Our office hours are limited until further notice but we are still checking our email and phone messages. Many of our Chamber events/activities have been cancelled or postponed but we will continue to do what we can to keep our calendar updated and keep you informed of when we resume business as normal. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and encouragement through it all!